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Work Experience

Experience: Experience
Full Moon

Research Associate and Project Manager

September 2019 - Present

Research Associate in MIT's Imagination, Computation, and Expression Laboratory and Center for Advanced Virtuality. I am undertaking multiple ongoing projects that center on journalism, identity representation, and storytelling.

Image by Aaron Burden

Game Writer

March 2014 - Present

I am engaged in multiple writing projects with a particular focus on designing table-top role-playing games that are accessible to beginners and feature a diverse, inclusive cast of characters and potential conflicts. Since 2017 I have been playtesting a D&D campaign that I am looking to publish in 2022.

Worldbuilding for Diversity: World Population

Writing Intern

May 2021 - September 2021

I engaged in extensive artist interviews, game research, editing, and article writing for EGD Collective, a grassroots movement across North America with a mission to help every student finish their education and find their place within gaming.

Narrative Designer and Game Writer

May 2020 - September 2020

I worked with the Education Arcade on an educational alternate reality game. I was responsible for storyboarding, character design, writing vignettes to introduce the story to other designers, and designing educational activities.

White File Folders

Field Research Coordinator

September 2017 - July 2018

Managed multiple research projects undertaken in Pearson's Clinical Assessment department.

Image by Gabriel Crismariu

Independent Game Designer

June 2017 - December 2017

Worked with a team to develop "Insight", a puzzle game, for the Youthprise Summit in December 2017.


Lab Manager

June 2016 - June 2017

Lab manager for the fMRI and behavioral lab supervised by Dr. Raj Raizada.


Research Assistant

June 2016 - June 2017

Worked for Dr. Cassie Glenn on the RDoC project and various projects relating to suicide and self-injury in a youth population.

Image by camilo jimenez

Research Assistant

January 2016 - June 2017

Worked with Dr. Paul Adachi in the lab of Dr. Edward Deci and Dr. Richard Ryan on various self-determination theory and media engagement projects.

Image by Jeremy Bishop

Research Assistant

January 2015 - August 2015

Worked with Dr. Lisa Starr on the SEED project.

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